Public Speaking

Ann is one of the most dynamic, energetic and captivating public speakers I know. Her passion and enthusiasm for whatever subject she is presenting is contagious. She offers fresh perspectives, deep rooted expertise and makes an immediate and lasting connection with her audience.
— Jenn O. | Keurig Green Mountain


Ann offers powerful keynotes for businesses of all sizes in for profit and nonprofit industries alike. 

Her speaking style features an authentic and informative flair that inspires and motivates leaders and employees alike. 

Does your company have an upcoming event that would benefit from Ann's expertise in leadership and employee development?

“We had the honor of having Ann serve as one of our co-chairs for our 28th annual North Shore Cancer WALK in 2018. She willingly shared her personal story every time we asked her...She was heartfelt, articulate and held the audience’s attention throughout her speech. She is a top-notch speaker!”
— Susan L. | North Shore Medical Center
Ann was introduced to the crowd and within minutes, she had the crowd’s complete attention. There was not another sound in the room. Ann spoke about her experience battling cancer with candor. She knew just how long to speak, when to insert humor and how to engage the group. I would wholeheartedly recommend Ann as a speaker at ANY event, she was a natural.
— JoAnn G. | North Shore 104.9 Radio